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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Looks like i've been updating quite regularly unlike my previous few months. This is probably continue if i keep having that inspiration and the mood to blog.

Anyway, its probably been a few months since school has started and i must say that i'm enjoying polytechnic life! Everyone has their own clique and i have mine too =s We even made a group on Facebook to signify our existence, a group called Trolls Inc.

Its also been a few weeks of Japanese lessons at school and i have learnt a lot! I might even post some phrases on the next post (Just to show how good i am, heh heh).

If you notice the time i'm blogging, its really late into the night, this is because i just came back from work. I really love my job, there's really nothing to it, no reason to like it, no obligations to hate it... Its simply loving the job. I hope that i can get a job which will give me similar feelings in the future.

Also, i've been thinking into the future about a job... And a dream. It's not like i have the most insane dream of owning a garage of exotics (i don't mind), or owning a castle on a hilltop next to a beach with 50 maids and a butler to serve me. It's nothing like that. My dream is to work at a prestigious game developing company. It may not be the coolest dream (it certainly is geeky and all but..), i would lighten up at the thought of working with colleagues with similar interests

Ah, but dreams would always be there wouldn't it? Just a master puppeteer pulling the strings of unwilling people with honest determination to succeed. My dad was telling me about how he loved to own a better car someday... that VW Scirocco.

All I can say is that in many ways it appears that the roll of the dice factors in our lives more often than not. Makes it interesting and it’s never too late to realize a dream or at least try to. ~ laurieanichols

Aside from the constant haze of projects after the holidays, i've been thinking of picking up choir again. I just love being in a group, charging into the stage wearing absolutely stunning clothes and singing harmoniously... Weird huh? Sudden nostalgia.



posted at 2:29 AM by Ed