/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Today(saturday) i went to Ngee Ann Poly open house with my cousins... my dream poly after my 'o's...*dreams away*....

The sign says welcome....0-o?

ooh.......very very random

ReadY!!! aim........

Why am i so random?

OMG!!!! whos tt? ITS ITS...

oooh, watery.

After all that we went to munch munch, aLs was hungry(i was too -___-). We(Dion, aLs and i) all ate japanese food yum..(refer to aLs's latest post for more details).
I had the teriyaki Don, its some Chicken+ScrambledEggs+Rice.
Well tts about it, yay that trip really relieved alotta stress(LOL what stress?)..
Okie time to go, byebye.

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posted at 11:04 PM by Ed