/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A short story 1

"sir! we are all geared up and ready to go!", the OC(officer in charge) from the 7th contigent yelled. "ok, OCs report to briefing room for update on Operation Drifting Garden", the HO(head officer) said. All things seem perfect, the smell of gunpowder...... everywhere. "What the hell, it that?" the recruit points to the sky, a squadron of sonata bombers flew over, the sky turned black suddenly. It was at this point of that time, we knew that the Crulizon has invaded the Motherland.

"EVERYONE! Head to the missle command center! MOVE MOVE MOVE!", the HO started firing words at the contigents. "SIR, this is the CO from Elite Red, permission to carry on The mission.." "Permission granted."

In that five minutes, everyone was at their post, firing anti-missles. "This cant be happening, we didnt get any word from Torstu." the HO was scared, very afraid..
"sir, they cant possibly flew over our radar net..." the Head form the intelligence office said.
"But look, they just did, i want a report from YOU now."
"YES sir."

"This is only the beginning, be afraid my men, be very afraid.." the HO muttered under his breath..


posted at 9:49 PM by Ed