/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Im gona stop posting, until, no wait..... im just gona stop posting. stop blogging, STOP.... no more.... no more of this shit.
no more blogging
no more internet... NO more, no more being push around... no more trying to beg for mercy, no more talking to people and trying to remove them from the blacklist. NO MORE LIAO, i dont care... blogging just sucks, brings a lot of problems, im just going to study, like a robot. no more aww-cmon-la attitude... i just want to be alone.... DAMMIT LA.... stupid pee somewhere else noobs....

JUST KIDDING (not kidding about the part "being pushed around")
you got fooled!

Lets just prepare for my Exams, get some good marks, emo here emo there a bit. Cause i realised that my life is about being pushed around... yes... i guess that is destiny, cant change it....
Life is.... so short but too long... soo good... feels bad.
posted at 9:56 PM by Ed