/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Monday, May 12, 2008
A few stuff i do on the computer:
Blogging, msn-ning, sms-ing, reading reader's digest, reading books, browsing through blogs, reading online short stories, looking at cool games which i can never play, looking through flash games websites(90% of it sux), listening to music, skyp-ing, replying to tag messages, re-linking links, do more blogging....

Notice something? I DONT PLAY PROPER GAMES ANYMORE. Yes, you know why? Because i have a shitty computer, lags like 5fps, graphics are like pimples on my face.. oh wait theres much more... internet problem, moniter problem, fucken viruses, yea my internet is currently disconnected while im writing this post, i'll probably have to wait about 15 minutes to reconnect again, meanwhile i do abit of reading. AND the worst part is, i always get interrupted... lets say online games(yea gunz? Maybe on some occasions when i dont dc alot), chatting on msn(YES especially this part).

haha, my parents are obviously not supporters of computers, they think that computers are brain-washing technology(yea, came from "space"). Oh boy boy boy, what do you know? Discovery channel: We show virtual images of human bodies using a fantastic invention called the computer.

Ok, i do admit we sometimes over-do it. We spend a whole 3 days trying to download Flyff, 2 days trying to dl music and 1 day trying to dl your teacher's copy of "Discovering our world(workbook)". Oh and the best part is that i have never been on the computer for 24 hours before.

For a few of you who knows how much i have been suffering already, please stop staring and kindly donate me a few $ when i meet up with you. (haha jkjk :p but if you want, you can).

More about blogging:
This topic, i wanted to write about it for sooo dam long " PEOPLE, stop changing your friggin blog's url 50 times in a month, its hard to keep track dammit." I want to browse through blogs, not finding out whats your latest blog url. Real-life examples: imperfect-fourteen.blogspot.com (WHAT THE BLOODY FISH, you want me to keep track of your blog?)(she has changed her blog url, and i have yet to find out whats her latest 1)

NO MORE CRAP, music reviews, blah blah blah, short stories? i rather read my whole chrono crusade series. I'll just update the music and you go do a mental review about it.

A few stuff in my blog you can enjoy:
Looking at cool vidoes i have/im going already/to posted/post later.
Listening to featured music on my blog.
Browsing through the links on my blog (Mind you, those are high quality blogs)

Ok thats it im going offline, gona complete my starwars book and gona get the new vampire beach book : Legacy. Vampire beach(author)

small note: damn, im not at the latest book for the vampire beach series...

even smaller note: oh, right i forgotten to mention that my mid-year examination is finally over, im free


posted at 10:04 PM by Ed