/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Monday, June 30, 2008
Yo, went to BRI's house to warcraft a while, came home rushed maths, kinda learnt a lesson. hehe, its late 11pm, mom's calling me to go to bed. Cant stop thinking about maths, maybe all this revision is working?

Anyways, i realize that this daring guy/girl/gay, visit my blog and tagged "i have pimples all over my head", pls la, you jealous issit? Pimples = puberty = growing. You dont have right kid? So nxt time you want to say something to insult me, say something more clever can? Dont be so stupid to let me spot a weak point in your sentences. Oh yea, 2 words for you. "nub-cake"

Just rushed the Lit adrian mole stuff. Maybe i should post according to Adrian's style? A intellect person... lol. Kinda made me laugh ><
Sorry no media for the past few post, was gona put up a pic. No time to upload xD.

Thats a wrap.


posted at 11:04 PM by Ed