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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Chief Strategist for Liu Bei

Red Cliff =D
Yes, i've finally rented the cd and watched it. This part/movie tells us about the preparations to defend the main Headquarters for the Southerners, about forging alliances between two different nations. This alliance is formed to destroy CaoCao's objective to conquer! Haha, throughout the movie you should focus on Zhu ge liang's intelligence.(but sometimes he tries to act cool >< Person A,"i heard you know about..." ZGL,"No, only a little bit")

Those CaoCao noobs totally got pawned, flat. I shall wait for the sequel to Red Cliff... hope it will come soon =D!

Anyways, i rate this movie...

8.5/10(Must Watch!!!)

For now, let me have some milk and sleep... im exhausted after the filming for project Matahari this afternoon..

Nitez all ;)


posted at 11:18 PM by Ed