/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Please play the above music for your entertainment ^_^. Anyways, i loved this week(haha, i know its not over yet but... whatever xD). I still haven't settled some of my personal stuff yet, like:

This week's tuition fees
Collect VB: Legacy(Seriously, @#$% this)
Remembering chemical formula
Remembering the formula for sphere,pyramids etc

Wow, i can't believe this year is gona end(soon) and this brings the FYE closer everyday...(hey wish me luck, i might get into double pure;)) So i guess this is it, all that hard work has came down to this, lets see if you really "reap what you sow".

Anyways, pictures from school!!!

"For local calls, please extend antenna to half its length"

"For long distance calls or overseas calls, please extend antenna to full length"

Thanks to Zw for using his umbrella and of course himself.

I want this. Real bad!!!



posted at 8:08 PM by Ed