/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hey, haven't been online for a long time haha(been studying :p!). So, i have no feeling to joke or anything xD!

Anyways, its was a nice week!
Rachel's Birthday
Late Night Study
Late Night Study
Late Night Study....

Happy 14th Birthday ^_^

Happy Lunching ^_^

Row Row Row your boat, gently down the sea

Wow, we are a really big group

Congrats on your 14th Birthday again ^_^ May you have a great future ahead

Today marks the day of the start OF the Final Year Examinations! I had English today as usual, darn the newspaper report was kinda difficult :o. I hope i get a A1 though xD.

Anyways, haven't been online for long because was studying until late in the nite xD To tell you the truth, i was easily distracted by the surroundings. I kept looking around while trying hard to do the worksheets and stuff, and i haven't paid much attention to my tuition homework lately :p

Well, my life is back to normal. And i do notice that when people change their attitude, they really do change and it totally gives a new way you look at them. I guess somethings are just uncontrollable.


MASS Heal!


posted at 5:44 PM by Ed