/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Friday, November 28, 2008
im currently being spammed by joevenn on MSN, he keeps sending files to me. And what? He calls me childish? OOps i forgot, he only know whats the meaning of fat. Anyways, dont ever talk to joevenn, he is a kid who only knows how to take revenge by calling people's handphone and spamming people by sending files to them. If no teacher were to see this, i dont know what to say. He is like some other people who only know how to fight like a hooligan, but dont know how to talk properly, thats why he fights and fights, no matter what you tell him, he will try to act smart.

I didnt even do anything to him and he must post those "gay" messages. I dont need to know who did it because every time go this type of things, its him liao. And i also cant believe Nicholas is much more mature than joevenn, im really surprised!!!

And joevenn stop sending those Pedobear files, i know you're a kid, stop trying to tell me you're a kid.


posted at 10:17 PM by Ed