/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Thursday, March 19, 2009
As all Microsoft Live Messenger users know, theres a virus going on.

Does this few sentences sound familiar to you?

"ah ha is this you?? http://images-id.com/profile.php?=Somebody12345@hotmail.com"
"You look hot in the swim suit! http://images-id.com/profile.php?=Somebody12345@hotmail.com"

Yes, familiar? Lets us take a few moments to read a mini text on a site.

"What will happen if you already went into the trap? Your msn account (msn and email) will be hijacked! If you are lucky, maybe your msn just help them advertise their site, and your friends in your email list will be victimized. The worst case, you lost your msn account as you no longer can login because the password has been changed. In addition, your private emails will no longer be private and your email account would probably be used for illegal purposes. However, there will be no virus in your computer."

Now, the big question is... how to save it?

1)Try to log in when you can, and immediately change your password. Reinstall a clean copy of MSN and scan computer with a good(this means you paid for the thing*illegal are unreliable*) antivirus

2)Create a new account and inform contacts(from memory).

As for those infected, sorry mates. But, just to tell you guys. I will block whoever sends me the messages. Following the two steps above doesnt take very long right?

Good habits to pick up.
-Deep scan your computer at least once every two weeks
-Don't go into suspicious looking sites(e.g. "www.freestuff.com" "www.FREEFREEE.com")
-Get a proper antivirus, not a pirated, whatever. You are doing this for your computer.

Latest post(s) to look forward to
-AEM trip.

Btw, im happy that i got promoted to Corporal :D Now onwards to Sergent!

MASS heal!


posted at 9:26 PM by Ed