/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Today's school day was a bit horrifying, was a bit nervous about my exam papers

Current results

Maths - Failed
Physics - Passed
Mother Tongue - Failed

Personally, i think my exams are going well as those i expect to fail are failing, and those i expect to pass are passing!

Bleh, i think giving maths as the most important criteria for Polytechnic entrance is stupid. What if, for example, this guy is very talented in talking. As in Dj-ing, and stuff, but his maths is horrible. But he is super talented. And you want to reject him because of maths? I think that stupid, if i could open my own poly, i would definitely set my own COPs.

Because having minimum maths for courses such as Mass Communication is meaningless. You learn maths to count what? Microphone? Amount of words you need to write for a report for the newspaper?

If maths is for other courses like, sciences, computing, i don't really mind because you really DO need maths for that. But why do i bother saying all this? Its not like one person can make a difference...


Epic much?

Even more epic?

There are a lot of upcoming movies screening in the cinema recently. The most popular one that i've heard so far is the, Angels and Demons.

However, im only interested in a few :P

Night at the Museum 2
Fanboys(Not sure whether this is shown already in SG, worth to watch)
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Thats about all of it, so, any takers?

Alright, off to sleep people!

MASS heal!


posted at 10:15 PM by Ed