/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Nothing much going on today, had physics and literature exam today. Physics is going to be fine i think, Literature is going well =D

Anyway, my plans to study for F&N were ruined by the urge to play Gunbound again. Three of us(Als, KC and me), went to create new accounts to try to play season 2 of the spectacular game that i played throught my primary school life.


Yea, we got trashed a few rounds, but we got our first victory... by bunging("pushing" your opponent off the ground) =D

Personally, after losing "touch" i did not want to touch that game again. Bleh, in the end, i suddenly can play =D!

Current fave mobiles are:

Best combination for tag sesssions so far:
Armor/Bigfoot(Tag and go in for the kill)
Ice(Lowers defense)

Small Note: Study F&N on Saturday

F&N is going to be difficult! So many chapters, so little time...

MASS Heal!


posted at 3:12 AM by Ed