/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Sunday, August 16, 2009
This post was supposed to be submitted eons ago. However, i kept getting the page error! I finally know how to solve that... If you have a broken page while typing a new post etc etc. Just press ctrl-f5, and watch magic happen!

So we finally found some time on our hands, teresa and i went to Ministry of Food for lunch/dinner!(still my favorite Japanese restaurant, i have yet to go to a Korean one though).

Menu of MOF, simplicity still dominates

Then funny thing was(if i remembered the events well enough), she thought that Bugis was on the red line. Next time must buy the MRT/Bus portable book ><

I did a quick walk-a-round of Bugis to find that MOF was not really that packed. Im trusting my unreliable memory that it was around 3pm(I didn't really care about the time then. I WANTZ MY SEAFOOD!)

I think it was about 15 minutes later when she arrived, im guessing she threathen the uncle to move faster ><. Teresa was at guardian reading another twilight book(how many times have she read it again?)

Super eye candy?
When we got to MOF, i took the menu out from underneath the table. And started to flip through it to look for a new set. Teresa was dead set on ordering something chicken-ish.

Warning: Please do not eat your pet fish or your arms after viewing the nastily delicious pictures below. If you are starving and must look below, my advice is, tape your mouth.

Seafood. For the win!

This was... the seafood set i ordered. It had delicious egg sauce >< With clams and prawns. There was a side dish too, but i forgot what was it.

After the lunch/dinner, we parted at bugis MRT near the new shopping centre. Whats the name again?

Dessert was awesome. We both had grape kakigori which was awesome(as usual).
You want to know how awesome was dessert? It was...


This is the actual post today! Yesterday, went to PY's house to do the friday market thingy.

The idea was to make candles. However, i was pure lazy on posting up pictures >< (i'll post out some youtube vids to make up for that)

We decided to make plain white candles with cupcake moulds! Thanks PY for the rice pot and other utensils used in the process of making the candles. Thanks Yanbing for pouring the freakin hot candle wax. Thanks Weiming for testing the candle! Guess who didn't show up that day?

I was wondering how much people would buy for the candle.
The candles are around the size of 2/3 twenty cent coins placed in a straight line...

So whats your opinion? I'm thinking about selling for for a dollar(colored ones) and non colored will go for 50 cents. Any suggestions are welcomed on the tag board!

Video time!


You thought it was cool to stay up late at night

Right, thats all about it. I'll try to find some other nice MVs, or i could just wait for "Boys Like Girls" to release their album.

Oh wait, one final video. One of my favorite songs, used in a anime which i've forgotten...

Beautiful song

Apologies for the español subs.

Not disposable or expandable...(clones reference)

MASS Heal!


posted at 10:48 PM by Ed