/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Apparently the bus ride back to Singapore is tomorrow and i feel like total shit just thinking about it. I mean, whats the trouble of taking a taxi back to KL to take a flight back to Singapore? That will definitely cut the time by... 1/4?

Als mentioned something about going back home to blackshot, unfortunately i cant because of my graphic card. Oh well, shit happens in the middle of life somewhere right? Or non-rationally thinking "this is part of God's plan to wake me up for O levels".

So thinking about that idea, i thought that maybe i should just keep the Chinese New Years cash for a rainy day. Perhaps support for the Hong Kong Choir trip?

From an academic viewpoint, im weak in maths. People say its about practice and all the other crap. Thinking through the maths papers, i've come to realised that the simple questions that require only a small fraction of the brain to remember a simple formula could have gotten me a couple of marks(which apparently COULD had passed me). Another thing im beginning to regret/worry is taking up Japanese lesson(writing). Since im in Malaysia, i missed a lesson and i still have a stack of homework not done. From common sense, failing to learn the 50 clear sounds and the other sounds is like going on endless trail without directions.

I plan to spend my december wisely

-Memorize Japanese sounds
-Practice maths

This should keep me intact for a month i hope. With my desktop stripped off of its 3d gaming functions, im left with flash games. So with a planned month ahead, i'll sign off here.


posted at 11:41 PM by Ed