/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Friday, January 22, 2010
I've been wondering whether i needed to a reality check because i just got back-stabbed hard. I thought that being friends for 3 years would have been more... Trustworthy.

Then there are the assholes who seriously just can't keep their opinions to themselves, whats the deal seriously? How much pleasure can you get by insulting someone? I don't see animals killing their own kind, why are you doing so?

Maybe because i trusted him too much and i became vulnerable and weak. Did i really go through all that 3 years full of shit just to find some knife sticking out of my back?

Anyway, im trying really hard to finish up my f&n coursework now. I haven't done any revision of any sorts today as...

-Japanese class
-Rushing homework 0.o?

Im also feeling quite down as i don't really talk much to her now. Maybe morning school is a bad idea after all. Hopefully she is doing well in her studies :3 Add oil ok?

Mass Healing you.


posted at 12:20 AM by Ed