/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I had a flag day today, my 4th one. 3 other flag days was last year, bringing my CIP hours to a shocking 30+ hours. Im really ok with flag days, you know, its about asking people to help the less fortunate group. But asking us to help 3 times in a year is generally annoying. Is the school aiming for some service award?

You might be thinking, "What about all those people who volunteer everyday? They don't have a problem, why makes you so special?" Apparently im not "those people".

Its been eons since i gamed properly on my computer. Bloody graphic card died on me. Hopefully i'll score for the Os and ask my parents to get me a new rig. Anyway, with no games to play, i decided to use the computer "healthily". During the holidays, i watched anime and hilariously funny shows on youtube. There isn't really much to do when the engine that powers your games is charred from the guts.

This week has been good. I've been practicing old papers from last year to catch up. I only joined back into the virtual world at night. Hopefully, i'll be able to follow this schedule daily and make it into a habit which eventually will show whether it pays off in the O levels results slip.

Next week would be the start of my O levels f&n coursework. With the question releasing on Monday and the whole entire thing ending in June, i wonder how long i can take this pressure.

Blogging would be my only comfort, talking to others about my problems is just a waste of time. Bye.


posted at 3:09 PM by Ed