/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's been another brilliant day, i completed part 1 of my C++ assignment on submission day (amazing how fast i can code 1 hour before deadline, heck even im shocked!). It was a close call, but managed to submit on time and take a break in MAGA class :p

Also, had to ran home to grab documents for the Japan trip happening soon. Yes, im finally going to Japan. After so many years of begging, wishing and hoping, im FINALLY going to Japan. I cannot express how excited i am, for the first time, im studying Japanese on the weekends, trying to grasp as many phrases as i can so i can understand what they are saying when i land. (On the side note, IM GOING TO TAKE A PLANE. I love aviation, and i play FSX during my free time with my flight stick. But lets save that for another time)

Modelling has been pretty hectic and fun at the same time. Mr Jamie showed us scripting and skinning today, it was awesome. The car moved, the tyres moved and it was pretty freakin' amazing considering it only took an hour to configure. (I shall set a day to do this, maybe on wednesday)
Well, it's going to be a heavy week as the deadline for modelling, flash and advanced features of C++ coming. (Oh, and also isolated storage for mobile).

I'll leave you guys with a video. Enjoy the music.

This is my new call tone by the way. I love the lyrics of this Miku mix!
posted at 12:15 AM by Ed