/************************************** Designer: ALS URL: http://pagesofadiary.blogspot.com/ Date: 23 March 2009 ***************************************/
Friday, August 10, 2012

Its a lovely day today, i drag my butt down to school for 8am's lesson. Actually, it's not a lovely day, im just in self-denial that today is C++ submission. It's weird huh, i can do HTML, Java easily, debug them easily and everything always comes out as planned. However, when it comes to C++ or C#, everything becomes foreign. I think i need to practice the following "Learn. Unlearn. Relearn."

But don't be mistaken, i love programming, i miss the thrills of solving problems during year one of Java, it was interesting, everytime there was an error, i would be frantically finding it and debugging it. However, when it comes to C++, suddenly the bugs that i expect to be there isn't there! But it's weird how after the lecturer takes a look, and suddenly the realisation comes that the bug was always there all along. (Also, i have coding bad luck, even copying code for code on the screen, i still get fucking errors. Just bad luck.)

So i guess it's the fear of getting errors that i suddenly lost interest in debugging them.

Anyway, in other news, i plan to get a tablet soon to start sketching on the computer. (Power of layers and ctrl-Z, why choose a pencil?)

Back to work, bye.
posted at 9:10 AM by Ed